Doctrinal Statement

We believe in the one true God.
There is one God, and he is living, true, and eternal. He has always existed as three persons, Father, Son and Spirit, and these three are equal in power and glory. This God is the creator and sustainer of all things; he is also the source of all truth. He is infinite, unchangeable, holy, righteous, good, loving, and full of grace.

We believe in his trustworthy Word.
The Bible is the Word of God. It is inspired by the Holy Spirit and is inerrant in the original documents. It is infallible, entirely trustworthy, and the final authority for all matters of faith and practice.

We believe this God is King over all.
God created the universe, maintains it, and governs all creatures, actions, processes, and things. In his ordinary workings, God remains hidden behind secondary causes such as human choice or the “laws” of nature. But he is always free to interrupt such providence and intervene directly according to his will.

We believe all humans are made in God’s image, but fallen.
God created human beings in his image, in order to know, love, and glorify him. But because of the first or “original” sin of Adam, all human beings now inherit a fallen and sinful nature, stand guilty before God, are condemned to judgment, and desperately need redemption. The sinful condition of every human heart is revealed in passive and active rebellion against God, and it cannot be changed by a person’s position, education, power, wealth, will, or good works.

We believe in Jesus Christ the Redeemer.
God the Son took on flesh as Jesus Christ, who is therefore truly God and truly human. He was conceived in the womb of a virgin by a miracle of the Spirit, was born, grew to adulthood, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, taught truth, and died an undeserved, substitutionary, and atoning death. Three days later he rose bodily from the dead and later ascended to the right hand of the Father. There he sits as mediating high priest, justifying on the basis of his shed blood all who trust in him, and there he rules as Head of the Church. At an hour undisclosed, he will return to earth in power and glory in order to rescue his people, judge the world, and complete the redemption of fallen creation that began at his resurrection.

We believe in the necessity of the new birth.
Because all people are lost and sinful, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary for spiritual and eternal life. Christ’s completed work of salvation, which includes forgiveness of sin and imputed righteousness, is given by grace through faith alone. Good works, done in obedience to God’s commandments, are the fruits and evidences of a true and lively faith in Christ.

We believe in God’s Spirit, given to all believers.
Upon Christ’s ascension to heaven, he poured out upon his church the gift of the Holy Spirit. The present ministry of the Spirit includes his indwelling of all Christians, enabling them to live godly lives and to witness and work for the glory of the Godhead. The Spirit convicts of sin, guides, comforts, imparts spiritual gifts, and illuminates God’s Word.

We believe in Jesus’ Church, his Body.
Jesus’ Church, which is his body on earth, is one, holy, universal, and apostolic. To it all believers belong. The spiritual unity of all believers crosses ages, gender, ethnic groups, races, and languages.

We believe in the resurrection and the age to come.
On the great and final day, when Christ returns, there will be an equally great and final resurrection. At that time, all human beings, both saved and lost, will be raised from the dead and judged by Jesus Christ. Their destinies will be either a joyful eternity in the glorious and loving presence of God the Father, Son, and Spirit, or a grievous eternity of punishment, separated from the favorable presence of God and all his goodness.