The Difference a Mentor Makes

Karen Ristuccia, Associate Mentor and Director of Curriculum Development, thinks back on someone who seemed at first to be a most unlikely mentor. “Who? Me? You want to mentor ME?” But the unlikely happened in an unlikely way, and Karen has been different ever since. Listen to find out how and why. (Transcript below.)

“The mentor who changed my life was an unlikely candidate. Older than me and moving in different circles, she seemed too godly to spend time with me. But the gospel had given her different eyes.

After she observed me teaching a church Sunday school class, she recognized my teaching gift. She believed God was at work in me. And so, she built into me. She championed me. She became my mentor—for life.

Because of her I have taught dozens of Bible studies that have led many women to deeper faith in Christ. Because of her I have traveled abroad in order to disciple women being persecuted for their faith. Because of her I have mentored other women toward maturity in Christ.

Don’t discount mentorship. It makes a gospel difference.”